Friday, March 12, 2010


The tourism is one of the more important economic parts in Costa Rica because the tourist bring money to the country and the hotels and with that the poor people gone a little bit but the tourism is bat for the country too because we lost our identity and the hotel and other companies destroy our country and the nature kill animal and take them from their jungle to sell them to the tourist and we have to stop that for we and for our country. In conclusion the tourism are good for the country but in many cases are bad for us.


  1. I’m agree with your comment, in some cases the tourism can impact in bad way, another example here in Costa Rica are the problem with the foreigners that coming here to consume or sell drugs.

  2. I agree with your comment, good for the economy but bad for environment

  3. Is true, the tourims bring money and this create many opportunities for the people, the problem is the tired nature,day a day have overpopulation also I think that our country every day we get out of our hands because is purchased by foreigners. our country is so beautiful and that brings negative and possitive impact.
